Monday, March 12, 2007

Snow Much Fun

Did I subliminally steal that title from someone else? My apologies if I did. It was unintentional.

Who knew that a play set could be fun in the winter too!

Notice the yellow house in the background? That is my parents' house...the one I grew up in!

I'm not sure why Drew is sticking out his tongue. I can't help but think of the movie 'A Christmas Story' where Ralphie's friend gets his tongue stuck to a pole.

Poor Jonathan desperately wanted to make a snow angel but there wasn't enough snow. Little did we know how much snow we were going to get just a few days later!

I can't wait to let the boys play in the yard again. Is anyone else ready for spring???

Drew's an Artist Too

Drew was so proud of his Magna-Doodle drawing that I had to include it as well. He specifically asked me to take a picture of him with his masterpiece. What a cutie!

Yes, I know my house is a nightmare mess. I am currently in a "De-Crapifying" stage. I'll let you know how it goes.

Happy Birthday Nina!

The boys, Aunt Dee and I helped Nina celebrate her birthday this year. Papa was in Brazil and Chris was...Hmm, I forget. Doesn't my mom look great?

Who Are Those Masked Men?

Jonathan has a new friend named Hunter. Hunter's mommy and I went to high school together (Go Aviators?) but lost contact after graduation. Fortunately, one fateful day at Wally-World (that's for you, Cole) changed everything. I am so glad to have Jenn back in my life. I appreciate her friendship and her willingness to read extremely long emails.

I think it is pretty cool that Jonathan and Hunter have the exact same birthday. They love to play together and seem to share a love of superheros.

If any of my faithful blog-stalkers are up to date with the comic book world, you would know the unfortunate fate of Captain America. What a political statement! If you are not, Captain America was killed by terrorists in his most recent comic book. I wonder if the suit that Hunter is wearing (Captain America's suit) is worth any more money now?

Be sure to check out Hunter's family blog (I have a link)...they're awesome!

Snuggle Time

Rare snapshots of all of my boys relaxing. I'm in love!

Mr. Artist

Jonathan loves to draw! The above two pictures are of a beaver. I'm not sure what inspired him, I just know I like the final product. Take a look at those nails and the tail!

Jonathan drew this picture of him and his Papa in the birthday card that we sent to my Dad in Brazil (he was there on business over his birthday). Can you believe I waited until the last minute to send the card and had to pay a little over $23.00 to get it there within 5 business days??? If you are wondering, yes, it was worth it.

I don't remember who this picture was depicting. Do you like the spikey hair?