Here's a few pictures of the house so far.
OK so I know I've only shown you the dining room and the kitchen but that's all we've been able to photograph.
Based on these pictures, would you buy my house? Wait a minute...don't answer that question!
I'll try to post more as soon as Andrea and I get more rooms done. I hate moving. I hate shuffling stuff.
If I can pack boxes that are able to sit in Andrea's basement indefinitely why do I even need them?
We sign papers with the agent on Thursday.
Courage to Answer God’s Call: Saying Yes to God
Even when the call is clear, it can be hard to say yes to God when others
may be saying something different… Ann White knows this struggle, but she
also kn...
1 day ago
Michelle, your house looks lovely! Really! Remind me to tell you a funny story, I may have someone who wants to buy your house!