Monday, July 31, 2006

The First Blog

Friends, thought you would like to keep up with our family. We've had a busy summer thus far, but Chris is finally done traveling. We are gearing up for both Chris and Jonathan's birthdays next week. Jonathan is convinced he wants a Power Ranger themed party. Chris and I are still not sure.

Jonathan starts pre-school next month. I can't believe he is old enough to go. He is so excited, and points out the building every time we pass. Drew is speaking more each day. His vocabulary amazes us. He is definitely a toddler. Both the boys love to sing, watch the Incredibles movie, and play with Playdoh. We still have Pug. She's the same as always, crazy dog.

I have included pictures of our two most recent adventures. Earlier this summer our family and Andrea (my sister) went to The Kalahari Indoor Waterpark. The boys loved it! We also went to the Akron Zoo with some friends. I hope you enjoy this site I have created. Please bookmark us, as I hope to continually update. Feel free to pass our address on to others who might be interested.