Friday, May 29, 2009


Chris decided to do something special for the boys since tonight marks the first night they are both officially on Summer Vacation (woo hoo.) He created a tent-type structure in the playroom so that they could 'camp-in' this evening. They were super excited!

Unfortunately, their excitement soon turned to fear when a storm crept up on us out of nowhere. Chris ended up laying with them for a while to help them feel safe during the thunderstorm. But after a while Jonathan asked him to leave. I guess Chris served his purpose...

While Chris was taking care of our children, I was able to sit on our porch and soak up the storm. I love storms! I have fond memories of sitting on the porch with my dad growing up, watching the storms roll in. I love the smells, I love the sounds, and I love the refreshing/cleansing feeling.

Unfortunately, the storm was gone as quickly as it came. I would have liked it to rain all night but Chris wants to mow tomorrow so he was glad it stopped.

The Last Day

Jonathan's last day of kindergarten started like all the others. After showering and dressing myself, I made sure he was dressed, had his teeth brushed, packed his lunch, made sure his folder was empty, and asked him to put on his shoes (which were, by the way, wet from last night's water battle...out came the old tennis shoes...don't you love surprises like that???) Those things happened in conjunction with strongly encouraging Jonathan to stop dilly-dallying and watching the clock to be certain we wouldn't earn a tardy on the last day of school.

I remembered to bring my camera so that I could capture his final walk into the building and his final walk down the hallway to his classroom. I also managed to get some shots outside the building. Call me cheesy if it makes you feel better about yourself. I can handle it...

Notice the 'old' tennis shoes that probably cramped his toes. Also notice the tye-dyed t-shirt. He created that masterpiece on Wednesday (Drew made one too.) Also notice the Umbro shorts. He was content to wear them and wanted nothing to do with changing. I had to let it go...

This is just inside the building where I gave him a hug and a kiss every morning.

His room is to the right at the end of the hall. Every morning I watched him walk down this hallway until he turned the corner. On a good day he would turn back and blow me kisses a couple of times. He's such a sweetheart!

This is a view of Jonathan's classroom. His classroom was actually located on a corner and I was able to park in front of it every morning. There were a couple of days that I was able to watch him from my car for a couple of minutes before I pulled away. I prayed a special prayer of protection over him as I left each morning.

If you look closely, you'll see an open window. Each time I walked back from taking him into the building I would lean down and look into the window to make sure he made it to his classroom safely. Sometimes I was even able to wave at him. On the days that we tried hard to be the first ones there, he would hold up his fingers to let me know what number he was. He was always all smiles if he held up one finger (that meant that he was the first one in his class.) But, toward the end of the year a little girl named Brooke ALWAYS beat us! UH!!!

I guess this picture is proof that I drove the Explorer when Jonathan was in kindergarten???!!! Actually I think that I wanted to document where I parked every day.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pomp and Circumstance

Tonight marks the evening before Jonathan's last day of kindergarten. I cannot believe it. Tuesday we attended a graduation ceremony for him and I snapped some pictures of his room for the last time. His teacher is awesome and I can only pray that he will continue to be given the quality education that she has provided this year. Thankfully Drew is going to have her next year (he's so excited!) I think I might cry when we have to say good-bye to her for good!

It's times like this that make me wonder if I am making the most of every opportunity with my children. Time is flying. Am I being the mother they deserve? Am I teaching them all I should? Am I strengthening their spirit or tearing it down? Do I make them feel important or insignificant? Do they know how much I love them?

I have been blessed with two incredible boys! Your children are blessings too. Make some memories this summer!

(Stepping off the soap box...)

Jonathan's teacher told us to get to graduation early for a good seat. We ended up being the second family in the gym. Nice! First row seats!!!

After waiting almost an hour and a half, the ceremony finally started (I told you we got there early!) I was so anxious to see Jonathan in his little homemade cap. The students walked in very much like a college or high school graduation. Pomp and Circumstance played in the background until the last child was in their place at the front of the gymnasium. More than once Chris leaned over and told me that the music was actually England's national anthem. I basically shushed him and said something about traditions.

Poor Buddy's hat was pulled too far down on his head. This lead to his ears sticking out. UH! If you click on the picture to see a larger version, Jonathan almost seems to be sleep walking. Maybe the music was putting him to sleep...

The previous two pictures are the reason Chris and I are psuedo-talking about buying a new camera. I'd love a camera that zooms and still takes great pictures. Beth, I need to write down your camera model and start doing some research. There's no way I can put a price tag on my pictures and I want to be able capture our life as vividly as possible. CHRIS ARE YOU READING THIS???

Jonathan was able to shake the principal's hand and his teacher's hand when he received his diploma. Unfortunately, the camera was only able to get the principal's handshake.

Way to go Buddy!

(WARNING: You may not want to read the next paragraph...)

Actually, why are we celebrating kindergarten graduation? Did we really expect the kids not to pass? Should they really be rewarded for something that is expected of them? Do parents REALLY need to hoot and holler when their child's name is read as if it's the biggest accomplishment of anyone in the family? OK, wait...Don't answer that. Just remember, when everyone is one is. How can I as a mother encourage my children to rise above the mediocrity that has plagued so many Americans? How do I teach them the value of hard work, education, and perseverance? HOW CAN I TEACH MY CHILDREN THE VALUE OF INTRINSIC MOTIVATION??? When someone figures that out, please let me know...then I can incorporate that knowledge into my classroom as well.

(OK, it's safe to read again!!!)

I'm anxious to see what's in store for Jonathan (and Drew) next year...


I just realized that some of my blog posts mention my friend Beth. You need to know that she is awesome. I miss her terribly and this blog is quite possibly one of my ways to stay connected to her. I love seeing updates on her family (and I hope the feeling is mutual.) I have other great friends linked to my blog. You should check them out some time. There are two links to complete strangers' blogs but they make me laugh so hard sometimes! ENJOY!

Memorial Day with Friends

Our family was invited to spend time with friends from Alliance Friends on Monday. It was fun catching up with them and being able to relax. Chris and the boys played in the annual kick-ball game while I cheered them on from the sidelines. The boys also ended up making the hosts' play set a water slide and came home soaked. Nice.

Thanks Ray family! We love you!

Owlz vs. Bats

Jonathan played his first official t-ball game last Saturday. We learned first hand what it was like to sit in the hot sun while the boys played. I hate farmer tans...

The Owlz played well and won the game (woo hoo!) Jonathan even got to play at the pitcher's position as well as first base for a while! Talk about nerve racking...

I love baseball!

Gotta love DQ after the game!

10 Years

Chris and I have officially been married for ten years. On one hand it feels like we've been together forever but on the other hand time has gone so fast!

We decided two things on Friday:

1. We are more in love than ever.

2. We could have NEVER imagined how AWESOME life would be on our ten year anniversary.

God is good!

Just so you know, I had an awesome hair day all day. On the way home I pulled up my hair THEN decided on the photo shoot. UH!

Chris and Greta have the same face.

Definitely not as cool as the Ellie picture on the fridge but noteworthy none the less.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Field Day/Kindergarten Olympics

On May 22 Jonathan's school had a field day. He was so excited! He talked the whole way to school about how fast he is and how his speed compares to the other kids in his class. He was certain he could win the races...

I can remember dreading field day at school. Especially middle school field day...

(You mean you want me to run a relay? REALLY??? No, I CANNOT be the pitcher for the kickball game. Actually, to be honest, I don't even want to play kickball. It makes me feel awkward and self-conscience. I don't want to run either. I just want to sit in the sun with my friends...yes, I have some thank you very much...and talk about stuff. You know, the stuff middle school girls talk about. I did enjoy the huge parachute though, but that was never a part of MY field day. Bummer.)


Jonathan was excited.

Drew and Chris joined him after their BK adventures and finished the day with a billion kindergartners. Jonathan was super pumped that Chris was there and Drew loves to be one of the big kids.

I have to pause and give a shout out to my husband. For those of you that don't know him, he HATES the sun. He burns easily and gets grumpy when he has to be outside for longer than ten minutes. He basically sacrificed his personal comforts all day. Preschoolers in the morning, kindergartners in the afternoon, the sun most of the day...

Although he enjoyed spending time with our boys, Chris's call to work with teens was again confirmed last Friday.

The things you do for your kids...

So jealous!

Not so jealous!

"Because when everyone is special...No one is." Everyone received a gold metal. Nice. Check out a previous blog to see how I REALLY feel.