Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Robertson Community Center

The boys and I went swimming yesterday at the community pool. Since most of the kids were back in school we practically had the pool to ourselves. It was wonderful. I think we all needed a break from reality for at least one afternoon. Too bad they close Monday.

Akron Fossils & Science Center and Truassic Park Adventures

The boys and I were treated to a day at the above named museum. We had a great time with the Ballards and learned lots of neat stuff about dinosaurs and creation. The boys also enjoyed eating lunch and playing outside on the playground. Thanks Lori!

The Carnation Day Parade

We headed home after camping in time to catch the Carnation Day Parade. The boys loved getting tons of candy. Our friend Kyle even sat with us.

Superman Drew

Thanks to the Heller family for buying Drew this awesome costume. He loves it!

Top 10 Reasons To Take Your Family Camping

10. Greater appreciation for "The Great Outdoors." It truly was beautiful in spite of what you are about to read.

9. Swimming in a lake. This included jumping off of rocks and having (Chris's) toes nibbled by fish.

8. Living out of your car. There's nothing quite like going to your car for a pair of clean clothes and some breakfast, all in one trip. What a way to save time!

7. The sheer number of blankets that need washed when you get home. Did I mention the fact that when you are camping, the fire smell is nice. Once you are back home, the fire smell isn't so pleasant. I had a large load of clothes to "de-campify" as well.

6. Watching your husband start a fire. I can't say much about this, as I have no idea if I would have been able to do it. Remember, don't think "rub two sticks together," instead, think "how do I place the kindling and logs just right so when I light those suckers they will start burning." We didn't even have to use matches. We had one of those long nosed lighters.

5. Sleeping in a massively roomy tent with only nylon separating you and "The Great Outdoors". By the way, this next picture is not the tent we slept in, it was the boy's "play tent." Ours was a bit bigger (not much.)

4. One package each of eight hot dogs and eight buns...devoured by four people (two of whom are five and three.)

3. More s'mores than you care to admit consumed by four people. Mmm...they are so good though. Remember, what happens at the campsite stays at the campsite.

2. Flushable toilets (including one squatty potty) within walking distance. I have a picture of the beloved squatty potty on my phone if anyone would like to see it sometime (if you are wondering, NO I never used it.) I especially enjoyed the walking with my hand soap to and from the restroom announcing to my fellow camping comrades that I was about to (or having just finished) craping my brains out. I know, I could have only had to pee. I do apologize for the obnoxious language but again, friends, we were camping.

1. Waking to the sounds of raccoons overtaking your camp while you are trying to sleep, chomping on dog food the previous campers so kindly left for them. Did I mention that we were separated from the raccoons by a thin piece of nylon? Am I mistaken in believing that raccoons have sharp claws? I was the first to wake up. They were literally on the other side of the nylon. I think I heard them rub up against the tent a couple of times. Fearing for our lives, I put one arm around Jonathan (he was sleeping next to me) and leaned over with the other to tap Chris. I believe I said, "Chris, we're all going to die." No, wait a minute, that's what I was thinking. I said, "Chris, there's something out there." Words that will live in infamy. My whole body was shaking and I was cursing the person who so long ago decided it would be "fun" to leave the comforts of your home to sleep on the ground with NYLON separating you and EVERYTHING ELSE (not to mention having to walk to a squatty potty...with your own hand soap.) Chris was the hero, though. He carefully climbed out of the tent armed with two long handled MAG lights, ready to fight for the safety of his family. Obviously, we made it though the night from Hades. Chris even traded me sides (the dog food was on my side of the tent.) I slept much better after that. Our sharp clawed friends returned a couple hours later, but we didn't bother them. I was safe on the other side of the tent and figured if Chris was clawed he deserved it. Camping was his idea.

You know what they say, "time heals all wounds." Maybe someday Chris will get me to camp again, as long as he promises to feed me s'mores. Maybe I'll even try the squatty potty next time.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Trampoline

The boys have had so much fun on their trampoline this week!

Blueberry Picking

Yesterday the boys and I went berry picking with my mom. It ended up being hotter than we thought. In spite of the heat we all worked very hard...especially Drew. Afterward, the boys were treated to Happy Meals with vanilla milkshakes!

Since we got home we have been eating blueberries like candy. We had blueberry pancakes this morning and I am thinking of making a blueberry pie. Yum!

Happy Birthday Hunter!

Our friend Hunter invited Jonathan and Drew to his birthday party this year. His birthday is also the same day as Jonathan's.

He had a super cool bowling party and the boys loved it! Jonathan even picked up two spares. I discovered that Drew has great bowling form, even though he got tired of bowling half way through. I don't think Jonathan even realized he bowled twice from then on.

Hunter's in the middle (obviously) with Drew on the left and Jonathan on the right.

Drew's bowling formation.

Hunter and Drew anxiously await the outcome of Drew's latest turn.

Thanks, Hunter, for including us!

A Visit From Cory

This past weekend our friend Cory came to visit us. It was great to see him again. He plays so well with the boys and is fun to have around. By the way, that picture was taken at church, not home, in case you were wondering about the couch...

You can also catch Cory in some of the pictures of Jonathan's family party.

More Randomness

Just wanted to share.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Jonathan's Family Party

For the fourth and final party, Jonathan had all of his family (plus our friend Cory) over to our house. We ate homemade stromboli (yum), chips, and cake and ice cream. Andrea decorated this cake as well. Isn't she amazing?

Jonathan's favorite part (surprise, surprise) was when he got to open the presents. He also liked swinging at the pinata.

Toward the end of the party, my parents both took turns on the trampoline. I'll spare them the embarrassment of posting their jumping experiences but have included Chris's.

I knew I married the right guy!

August 10th (Jonathan's Real Birthday)

After already having two celebrations, Jonathan was officially allowed to be called a 5 year old this past Friday. He pretty much told us all day that because it was his birthday he could do anything he wanted...

So, he played a little XBox 360, went with me to Wal-mart, chose where we ate dinner, and opened (more) presents.

I think Jonathan chose Pancho's because that's where we went for Drew's birthday (and he knew that they would sing to him and bring him out some fried ice cream.)

What a great picture! Papa and Bubba.

Jonathan might also have chose Pancho's because they are given a sucker when we leave. Drew's particular sucker turned his tongue blue for the rest of the evening.

My parents gave Jonathan an incredible gift this year...a trampoline. He was so excited! Sorry the video is sideways for a while...

Notice Drew's "glasses?" He popped out the lenses to a pair of his sunglasses and decided he liked the look better.

We of course had to set the trampoline up right away, which meant mowing the lawn. The set up took much longer than anticipated, even with all seven of us helping...maybe that's why it took so long???!!!

Even though we didn't get the netting around the trampoline up that night we let the boys jump. They loved it!

Happy Birthday Buddy!

Celebrating with the Hellers

In between Jonathan's friend party and his actual birthday the boys and I headed down to Marysville to celebrate with Brooklyn and her family.

The boys were so excited to see Brooklyn and Xavier. We left Tuesday morning and were down there in time to eat lunch. After lunch we headed to the Marysville pool where we stayed until it was time to head home and think about fixing dinner. After dinner the kids played on "The Impulse Buy (ha ha)." By the time bedtime rolled around, all four kids were exhausted (so were the adults). They all slept really well.

The next day we spent the morning playing at the house then headed to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch and a mini birthday celebration.

After Chuck E. Cheese it was time to go home. Why do these visits always seem to be too short?

In spite of the kids having no naps and them picking on each other like siblings, I can honestly say that I enjoyed my time with Beth and the kids. It is obvious that they miss each other, and I wish we were able to get them together more often. Our trip down to Marysville was a whirlwind, but par for the course the way our week went.

Thanks again, Andy and Beth, for your hospitality!