Monday, January 17, 2011

The Best Football Game EVER

My dad played football with the boys one afternoon this fall, and they all had an incredible time. I wasn't home for most of the game, but my sister was generous enough to snap some pictures.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Star of the Week

Each student in Drew's class has an opportunity to be the Star of the Week at some point during the school year. The Star of the Week gets to bring in a decorated poster, share snacks, and is given other fun privileges.

Drew brought in snacks almost every day, brought in  his favorite stuffed animals, and basically just enjoyed all the extra attention showered on him. I am certain he was sad when his week was over.

Don't worry Drew, you're always a star in my book...

Halloween Happenings

This year, after much deliberation, the boys both decided to be military police officers. Like every year, the boys had school parties the Friday before Halloween. It's become a tradition to take them out to eat that day as well, and this year we went to Pancho's.

On Halloween, we headed to Chris's sister's house to trick-or-treat with her family. We were assured that we would not encounter any shenanigans like in Alliance, so I reluctantly agreed to go. Once there, I knew we had been fooled. By the end, Chris and I vowed to never go trick-or-treating ANYWHERE ever again. We'll take the boys somewhere special (we're thinking an indoor water park, if anyone else is interested in accompanying us...) but we refuse to participate in the traditional trick-or-treat experience. What made us make such a hasty decision, you ask? Well, how about a man dressed in a scary clown suit chasing children with a chain saw? Oh yeah. I honestly believed that Chris was going to have to get into a fist fight with the guy because he was coming toward us. Lucky for the clown, he turned around. I would have had no problem cheering Chris on as he beat up that clown. Jerk. Don't mess with my boys!

Chris hosted a high school costume party at church and invited us this year. Unfortunately, that meant that I needed a costume. Here's what my sister came up with... The boys had a great time! They love hanging out with the 'big kids.'

Good Times!

Pumpkin Faces

Andrea helped the boys carve pumpkins this year, and I believe that this is the second year in a row that I (unfortunately) had to miss out on the mess! Hee hee.

The boys did a great job, and it was fun seeing their pumpkins glowing on the porch.

Saying Goodbye

We finally sold our home this past fall. As we were packing, we snapped some pictures to help us remember the ordeal. We are currently in our temporary housing situation at my sister's, but are hopeful that we'll be in a new home this summer.

We all had our weepy moments while saying goodbye to the home we lived in for five years. It's been three and a half months now, and we're doing OK. It's hard to see someone else living in our house, and I get mad when I see them doing new things to it. The worst was when I drove by and saw they had tore the fence apart to get a bobcat inside the yard to tear out all the shrubbery. I'm getting mad just thinking about it, so I might as well just post. Grr.