Saturday, October 20, 2007

A Breedlove Halloween

Mrs. Breedlove and Drew

Jonathan and his stash

The whole clan...minus me

We were invited over to Mr. and Mrs. Breedlove's house a few nights ago for dinner and a fun fall themed evening. The boys were given huge Halloween treat baskets and we all got to decorate pumpkins.

In spite of all the yummy food (thanks Clay) the boys managed to only consume products with sugar...

Dressed as the 'Simbiat Spider Man' and 'The Shredder Ninja' (Jonathan and Drew, respectively) the boys sure felt spiffy! I had to coerce them to take off their costumes when we started painting pumpkins!

In the end we all created masterpiece pumpkins (in our minds) and left with two young children buzzing from the sugar intake.

Thanks Breedloves! We hope to come see you again soon!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It's Preschool Time (AGAIN)

Jonathan and his new teacher at orientation.

Orientation went well this year. I had Jonathan's teacher take this picture...I needed it for my scrapbooks!

A healthy breakfast is the only way to start your first day of school!

What a face!

Pay no attention to the cluttered refrigerator in the background.

Preschool orientation and the first day of school went off without a hitch this year. Jonathan's new teacher seems very nice and he has made some new friends.

On Wednesdays Jonathan gets to bring in something for show and tell. Each week he has to bring something that begins with a different letter of the alphabet. This week they are focusing on the letter "D" so we are planning on taking his Dwarf Hamster (Rufus the Buggar) tomorrow. I hope that goes well (especially since Rufus bites anyone who tries to touch him and his bedding needs changed.) Hmmm....

The Park in New Philly

Those are some good looking guys, don't you think???

Our friends treated us to a day at the coolest city park I have ever seen. I can't remember the name right now, but it's in New Philadelphia. They had rides for kids, a playground, concessions, and a pool! The boys loved it. We were able to go two days before it closed for the winter...the same day we picked apples. What a day!

Thanks Hood Family!

Picking Apples (Not Our Noses)

We took the boys to North Benton (where???) to pick McIntosh apples this year. We were only there for about fifteen minutes but we ended up getting one and a half bushels. It's a good thing we all love McIntosh apples! Chris admitted later that he couldn't have stayed much longer. What??? We were only there for fifteen minutes!!!!!

The following week Nina Tripp came over and made applesauce with us. It was so yummy!


My last post was a little over one month ago. It is amazing how quickly life changes and what can happen in such a short amount of time. This past month my family experienced yet another valley on our journey called life. It has reminded me once again that family is desperately important. Through it all we have experienced God's goodness and faithfulness and continue to pray for His healing hand.

My dear friends, please make it a priority today to let your family know how much you love and appreciate them...