Monday, April 27, 2009

The Boys' Bedroom

Yes, the walls are bubbling. The joys of plaster. I'll post the rest of the house pictures soon.

I find myself missing some of our 'stuff.' For instance, the boys normally have lots of superhero posters up. It was sad to take them down...I think more for me than for them. They're pretty resilient!


Discovering Life

Last Sunday we were able to spend some time outside (woo hoo!)

The boys were happily playing when Chris and I heard Drew screaming. We ran outside and discovered that Greta had found some sort of burrow filled with mysterious babies under the playset. Thankfully Drew called us as soon as he heard the tiny cries and we were able to shoo Greta away before any carnage. After a few minutes Chris determined that: 1. None of the babies were hurt. 2. The babies were in fact rabbits. He put them all back into the hole and covered them with the fur and straw that Greta had been pawing through.

The next couple of days we had to watch Greta closely while she was out to make sure she didn't devour the rabbits. Toward the end of the week Momma moved her treasures somewhere safe...

At least that's what we hope happened...

The Last Hoorah

Chris held his final Senior High event at Alliance Friends yesterday evening. Just a normal Sunday night but incredibly bittersweet. Surrounded by teens and adults alike he spoke of his desire for all of them to know who they are and who God is. He told them their journeys will not be easy but they don't have to travel alone. He encouraged them to cling to their Heavenly Father who will never leave them and loves them unconditionally.

I don't think there was a dry eye at the end of his prayer.

I am so proud of Chris. He is an incredible husband, father, friend, and pastor. Knowing that he is leaving his students and adult volunteers breaks his heart. But God has called us on a new journey and we must be faithful.

We head to Canton with pieces of our hearts still in Marysville (love you all) and now also in Alliance.

It is my hope that this blog will help us all stay connected!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Light

Apparently I have been committing some what of a blogging fauxpau (sp?) in ending my blogs like a letter. I guess that means my p.s.s (should there be an apostrophe there?) are also a no-no.

My husband chastised me last night after reading some of my more recent posts. Clearly he knows about these things because he is the master of all bloggers.

There are precedents to follow and rules to abide by. I guess not everyone should be a blogger. So my friends, the next time you blog be mindful of all those master bloggers out there who know much more than you do about the rules of blogging.

I apologize for my offensive endings and promise never to put you in a position that asks you to read them again. Thanks for enduring with me through my time of ignorance.

I have seen the light!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

More House Pics

What do you think about these? Are you ready to put in a bid?

I only have two more rooms to photograph. I think I've purposely left the play room and the boys' room for last. There is SO MUCH CRAP in both of those rooms! I should take before and after pictures...but I don't think I'm willing to be that vulnerable. Who knows...maybe I'll surprise you.

I also need to take pictures of the porch, maybe the basement if I can get a good shot...highly unlikely..., the (new) fuse box, the water heater, and the furnace. And maybe the new utility sink that was JUST INSTALLED in the basement. It's great for washing muddy dogs that like to eat each other.

A few outside pictures will round out this photographic adventure... As soon as Chris cuts the grass and the boys pick up their outside toys!



p.s. Did anyone else see the SNOW today?

p.s. #2 I love you my friend! So thankful the little one is OK.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

For Sale

Here's a few pictures of the house so far.


OK so I know I've only shown you the dining room and the kitchen but that's all we've been able to photograph.

Based on these pictures, would you buy my house? Wait a minute...don't answer that question!

I'll try to post more as soon as Andrea and I get more rooms done. I hate moving. I hate shuffling stuff.

If I can pack boxes that are able to sit in Andrea's basement indefinitely why do I even need them?

We sign papers with the agent on Thursday.




Greta is obnoxious. She is a bully. She acts as if she is entitled to anything and everything she wants. She uses her size to intimidate Pug. She also uses her size to get into things she should not be getting into:
-the toilet
-the trash
-food on the counter
-food on the table

Just wanted to share a picture to show you her entitlement complex.

Animal Domestication

Tonight, my friends, I decided that whomever determined that the domestication of animals was a good thing should be thrown into STUPID JAIL.

(Shout out to my dad! He's not in stupid jail, he just likes to talk about it and wishes he could send people there too.)

I mean really, why would someone want to bring an ANIMAL into their home? I can think of many undesirable repercussions:
-you get my point

OK so I'll tell you what happened...

Our yard gets really wet. I mean swampy. (This of course is not true if you are looking to buy my home. My yard is wonderful. It is very large for a city lot, has a beautiful 6' wooden shadow box fence, and boasts multiple mature trees. It's much like a park setting.) Anyway...

The yard was wet today.
Super wet.
Unfortunately, Greta loves running.
In the wet grass.
I mean in the muddy swamp.

After being completely covered in mud (even the insides of her ears were muddy) Greta decided it was time to come inside and pick a fight with Pug over dog food.

I was upstairs putting the boys to bed when all of this went down.

Suddenly Andrea started screaming my name. I have NEVER heard my sister scream like that. She was panicked and scared. I ran downstairs as fast as I could but I felt like I was in slow motion. She had to scream at least three or four times.

When I arrived at the scene I found Pug in Greta's mouth. I yanked on Greta's collar and picked her up but when I looked, Pug was STILL in her the floor...dangling!!! Greta let go and I shoved her into her cage. I checked Pug but she seemed to be fine. Whew!

Pug had mud all over her from Greta so BOTH dogs had to be bathed and I had to clean Greta's cage.

Chris ended up finding three gashes on Pug's body when he got home from work.


We both agree that Pug does not deserve this at the end of her life but what are we going to do? Greta is currently back in her cage. I'm not thinking she'll be freed anytime soon.

The Victim

The Offender

Again, I'd just like to leave you with the fact that I believe that the domestication of animals is stupid. Anybody want a dog?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Baseball Season #1:T-Ball

The King Family started their first official baseball (t-ball) season this evening.

Because Jonathan's birthday is in August he missed the eligibility cut-off last year. Let me tell you...He was super excited about today!

Yesterday I spent about a million dollars on baseball paraphernalia. Cleats, matching sandals, wrist bands, water bottle, practice pants, and practice shorts. That doesn't count the baseball pants and socks that Chris already bought or the team shirt and hat we have yet to buy. Awesome. I found out tonight that every team member needs to wear a cup too. Great! How am I going to explain THAT ONE to Jonathan? "You need to put a cup on your privates to protect them." "No, not one that you drink out of."

Moving on...

Jonathan has two nights of practice a week and games on Saturday. Today's practice consisted of warming up and playing catch. Nice. It was cold and rainy. Even nicer.

The verdict is still out as to whether this baseball thing will be worth it. I am secretly hoping that both my boys are baseball stars...Don't tell anyone!

FYI...Drew took the previous three pictures from inside our car. We were both cold and wet so we spent the last half of practice shielded from the elements...