Monday, December 03, 2007

Tis the Season

To all my blogging friends and fellow stalkers:

Let me encourage you to not get caught up in the hype of this time of year. Take time to bless and be blessed. Cherish your time with family and friends. Every moment together is a gift from God.

Christmas is so much more than cookies and presents!

May you be given a spirit of peace, joy, and contentment and may Christ reign in your life.


Oh Christmas Tree!

The boys and Chris hauled out the Christmas decorations this past Friday while I was tutoring. Chris was kind enough to even put the tree together and straighten out the branches (what a guy!)

The boys were excited because we also brought out the Christmas toys. They love playing with Rudolph and Clarice as well as watching Christmas movies and reading Christmas books.

On Saturday the boys and I finished decorating while Chris was working. They had so much fun decorating the tree. I think they did a fantastic job!

Yes, we were all still in our pajamas. When Chris is gone it's fair game to stay in pj's all day!

I can sympathize with my blogging friends about the ornament clusters.

Canada or Bust, Eh?

Instead of our normal Black Friday shopping adventures, we took a ten hour car ride to see our friends the Jones family. The weather wasn't terribly bad and the boys did a great job (once again.)

We did many fun things while in Canada but I think the boys would tell you they enjoyed playing outside with Hannah and Lucas and seeing all the reptiles at the reptile zoo the most.

Although we can't remember it's name, this is a reptile from New Zealand which was thought to be extinct up until a few years ago.

Here's a better view of the pseudo-extinct New Zealand reptile.

We were also allowed to pet a baby crocodile.

Chris holding a tarantula.

Nice python, eh?

I chose not to touch any of the animals on display but instead had irrational images of my boys being swallowed by the snake or bitten by the spider. Nice.

While at the zoo we saw multiple animals being fed (dead) mice and chicken heads. Yummy! What an experience!

Unlike Ohio, Ontario had lots of snow to play in. The boys were ecstatic.

What a face! I wonder what he was up to?

The four musketeers. Why is Jonathan always eating snow??

Thanks, Sam and Ruth-Ann, for your hospitality. I'm looking forward to reciprocating in a few weeks!

Being Thankful

What a great Thanksgiving!

The day before Thanksgiving Chris's dad got all of his kids (and their families) together for a yummy Chinese dinner in Canton.

Arianna took this picture. I think my eyes are closed.

I took this picture. I should have gotten everyone's attention.

Thanksgiving morning Chris and I took three girls from the church to a local food bank where we helped prepare a community Thanksgiving dinner.

In the afternoon we went over to Chris's mom's house to celebrate with his side of the family.

The food was scrumptious!

Nina Tripp and Jonathan

Drew is such a cutie!

Drew and Nina Tripp

Claudia and Ryan (Kathy's sister and nephew)

Roger and Jonathan (Claudia's husband)

Megan (Chris's sister) and Austin

Jonathan and Papa and Nina Tripp

Beth (Chris's sister,) Josh, and Arianna

After we had stuffed our faces there we headed over to my family's house to eat again.

Me and Andrea. My nose is huge.

The food was scrumptious here too!

We have a lot to be thankful for this year!

With two Thanksgiving dinners sitting heavy in our bellies, we headed home to begin packing for a visit to the Jones family in Canada.

What a whirlwind day!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Trick Or Treat 2007

The boys had a great time Trick Or Treating this year. Jonathan was the Symbiote Spider-Man and Drew was a Ninja. Actually, Drew was the Shredder Ninja.

Nina Tripp came to help us pass out candy. We ran out within an hour! Mental note...Buy twice as much candy next year!


These are the pumpkins we painted with Clay. Poor Jonathan's was already rotting by Halloween.

There's nothing quite like putting off Trick Or Treating so that your mom can get pictures for her scrapbook!

What a stealthful Shredder Ninja!

So I finally saw Spider-Man 3. Can I tell you that I didn't know the Symbiote Spider-Man turned into Venom?!

This is a fun shot but Jonathan wanted down as soon as I snapped the picture.

Jonathan was very impressed that the police officer was passing out candy from the cruiser. I think he might have wondered if it was Uncle Ace.

Both the boys struggled to eat candy while their masks were on. Here's Drew sticking his tongue out. Can you tell?

We ended our yearly Trick-Or-Treat escapades at Nina and Papa's house.


Armed with two big bucket-fuls of candy, the boys headed home to show Nina Tripp the fruits of their labor.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Fun at Home

The boys playing with modeling clay.

I love snuggle time.

Every once and a while I catch the boys doing something cute or funny while playing. Here are a few examples that I caught on video.

They love listening to the High School Musical soundtrack. I caught them dancing to their favorite song the other day. You might have to turn your volume up.

I also caught them playing with modeling clay together. It was fun to listen to what they were saying.

Kyle's Play

Our family had the privilege of seeing one of the "Big Kids" perform in his high school's fall production. Kyle is a very talented young man who loves my boys.

If you're wondering, it was Mulan and Kyle was the red dragon (what was his name????) Oh, Mu-Shu. I think. They boys thought it was cool that a bunch of "Big Kids" were performing a Disney movie.

Great job Kyle!

Preschool Fall Festival

Hand Painting

The Finished Product

Decorating Cookies

The Squash Roll

Fishing for Treats

Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin (without cheating)

Pumpkin Pie Bingo

Candy in the Hay

Because I am one of 'those' parents I decided to participate in Jonathan's Fall Festival at preschool. Before you judge me, you need to know that the teachers asked for parent volunteers.

The kids were given the opportunity to play lots of fun games, watch a Halloween movie (I wasn't thrilled about that,) ice sugar cookies, and dance. It was fun to be able to watch Jonathan interact with his classmates and the teachers. I think he was truly happy that I was there, too (which made me feel good.)

Each student was given a bag of goodies to take home, of which Jonathan shared with Drew. I was very proud of him.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Jonathan's First Field Trip

Field trips and bus rides are an inevitable part of school. It had been my plan to dodge the school bus until at least middle school. It was also my plan to go on as many field trips as my boys would let me. Unfortunately plans don't always work out the way I think they should...

Enter Jonathan's first field trip...

The whole fiasco started on the morning I unsuspectingly came to pick up Jonathan from just another day of preschool. I was caught completely off guard when his teacher handed me a slip of paper expecting me to sign my consent (at that moment) for him to go on a field trip with his class the following week. With a smile on her face she told me they were only going across town and quickly added they had rented a chartered school bus to transport the students. She seemed pretty excited but her smile faded when I did not share the same enthusiasm.

I could feel the blood rushing to my face. How could I sign that piece of paper? Field trips and bus rides were not part of the plan, remember? I struggled to come up with an intelligent response. I told her that I couldn't sign the paper and would have to talk to my husband about it.

I must stop my story here and try to catch all of my faithful blog stalkers up on why this troubled me. I have an undergraduate degree in mathematics (that I am choosing not to use,) I was a certified high school math teacher (until I decided to let my certificate expire,) and am currently three classes away from a graduate degree in education. I am a first born child and embrace all that my birth order has predestined for me. I am stubborn, especially when it comes to issues that I feel strongly about. I often make no sense to others while making perfect sense in my mind. Above all, I try to be the best mother I am capable of. I parent with my heart and could care less if someone disagrees with my decisions.

OK, that last sentence is a bit you get what I am trying to say???

Back to the story...

With trembling hands I strapped the boys into the car then called my husband. I told him of the terrible request put upon me and wondered what he thought. I think he disguised his laughing as a cough and tried to respond to me knowing I was being irrational (yet trying not to hurt my feelings.) He told me that it wasn't a big deal and I should have signed the paper. I reminded him of "the plan" but then remembered it was my plan, not his. He told me to "let it go."

The following day, still struggling whether to give my consent, the phone rang. It was Jonathan's teacher. She explained that there were going to be extra seats on the bus and I was welcome to come if I would like. I told her that I would have to check with my husband and let her know at school the following day. With my hope restored (sometimes plans change) I called my husband and told him the great news. Again, trying to be loving and encouraging (but not demeaning,) he told me that now I was one of 'those' parents. You know the ones...they're never happy with the teacher or district, take up too much of the teacher's time, and above all, get calls from the teacher at home. At that moment I decided to sign the paper because I did not want to be one of 'those' parents.

I walked into school the next day with the paper in hand. Feeling calm, cool, and collected (on the outside) I tried to downplay the scene I made on the previous school day. I proudly handed the consent form over to the teacher and told her my husband had told me to "let it go." She asked me if I was sure and I heard myself say "yes" but my mind was screaming "no!" Nothing was mentioned when I picked up Jonathan from school that day but that doesn't mean I wasn't thinking about the situation.

All weekend I debated whether to take her up on her offer to ride along.

The dreaded day came and I coached Jonathan all morning about being a good friend on the bus and staying where the teacher could see him at all times. I walked him in, snapped some pictures (because even though I was in turmoil I had to think of the scrapbook) and kissed him good-bye. Then I went back out the the car and waited. I watched them load the bus. I watched them pull away. I made eye contact with the teacher in the bus AND SHE WAVED AT ME. Then I started to cry. I should have gone! I could hardly breath. I knew I made the wrong decision. I had to fight the urge to follow the bus (while fighting the feeling that I had just made a fool of myself for watching the bus drive away.)

Drew and I went to Wal-mart to pass the time. We bought donuts (comfort food) and took one to Chris at work. I shared with him my inner turmoil and told him that I should have listened to my heart (like the 80's band Roxette-who my husband has a very strong allegiance to-song so eloquently states.)

Before long it was time to pick Jonathan up. I was so relieved to see him. He said he had a good time and seemed to be emotionally stable. When I saw his teacher she asked me if I was OK. I felt stupid but said yes. Remember, I'm one of 'those' parents.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have considered myself to be a difficult parent but it seems as if I am well on my way to being the butt of the teachers' jokes. It's amazing how quickly I moved from educator to parent...I mean a difficult parent...actually, more along the lines of "one of 'those' parents."

So there you have it. My insane world of obsessiveness over my children. I hope I don't ruin them. I also hope you enjoyed a laugh or two while reading this entry.

Howdy Friends!

The Jones Family came to see us early last month. It seemed like the kids picked up right where they left off. It was great to spend time with Ruth-Ann and Sam while the kids occupied themselves on the trampoline (and Rebekah was sleeping.) Ruth-Ann and I even got to do some shopping while Sam and Chris cared for all five kids. We met up at Chili's in Canton and had a fantastic dinner before having to say good-bye again.

As you can see in the picture, the kids' friend Emily came to play for a while too. What a nice surprise!

We miss you friends!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

A Breedlove Halloween

Mrs. Breedlove and Drew

Jonathan and his stash

The whole clan...minus me

We were invited over to Mr. and Mrs. Breedlove's house a few nights ago for dinner and a fun fall themed evening. The boys were given huge Halloween treat baskets and we all got to decorate pumpkins.

In spite of all the yummy food (thanks Clay) the boys managed to only consume products with sugar...

Dressed as the 'Simbiat Spider Man' and 'The Shredder Ninja' (Jonathan and Drew, respectively) the boys sure felt spiffy! I had to coerce them to take off their costumes when we started painting pumpkins!

In the end we all created masterpiece pumpkins (in our minds) and left with two young children buzzing from the sugar intake.

Thanks Breedloves! We hope to come see you again soon!