Saturday, October 28, 2006

Fall Fun

On the fourth weekend of September, the boys and I went to visit our friends in Central Ohio.
We had a great time with them, but our visit was over much too quickly. We miss them so much.
It always amazes me how close Jonathan and Brooklyn are. Even literally this time (notice the picture?).

Beth and I decided to take a walk and check out some garage sales. We ended up getting rained on. We felt ridiculous walking in the rain with two strollers. I bet people thought we were terrible mothers (or that we were just plain stupid). Oh well! Any time with Beth is time well spent.

As you can see from the previous three pictures, Drew got a hold of some markers. He decided to color his body instead of the paper. His belly and legs were used to create his most beautiful works of art, although his face and hands were experimented on as well. What a crazy boy! He was so proud of himself. For any of you wondering whether the markers were permenant, they were not (thank goodness). He has, since the marker incident, also colored our carpet with Crayola Slick Stix. Not a good thing. Parts of our carpet are now shades of red and blue. I sure hope the steam vac will take care of them!

These last two pictures are just fun. The top is a drawing Jonathan created after playing with his new friend Hunter. I think it is of Jonathan, Drew, and Hunter. Notice the person in the middle has his arms around the other two? I think Jonathan likes Hunter!

In the bottom picture, Drew is cheesing for the camera. He loves to talk about cowboys lately, as well as fighting bad guys. What an imagination.

Last weekend I went down to Central Ohio (again) to visit with friends and scrapbook (what else?) . We had a great time (Julie, your house is beautiful!), although I think scrapbooking from 10am to midnight was a bit much for me (sorry for being the party pooper, friends). It is always a special treat for me to spend time with both Becki and Beth. I hope you both know how much you mean to me. The next day I was able to spend some time shopping with Beth in Dublin. We had a great time. The best stop by far was to Great Harvest Bread Co. I highly recommend their bread. Yum! I'm glad I don't live close to one, or I would be out of cash and weigh 5000 pounds.

Today was the Christmas Extravaganza. I had fun, but not as many sales as I would have hoped. I am disappointed. Sorry, Julie. I'm not sure if all of my time and energy was worth it. Hmm...

Thanks for caring about my family. I love you all! M