Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jonathan's Field Trip to MUC Nature Center and Butterfly Garden

Jonathan's class headed to the MUC Nature Center and the Beech Creek Butterfly Garden for one of their first field trips of the year. You can be certain that I had someone (my mom) accompany him. Truth be told, someone accompanied both of my boys on each field trip this year. NICE!!!

After each field trip the kids get to play on the playground for a while.


I forgot to post pictures from the boys carving their pumpkins this year. They actually carved pumpkins with my Mom at my parent's house. I'm secretly happy about not having to clean up the mess this year!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Friends, Food, and Swine Flu

We headed down to visit the Trasks around Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, it was a super short trip. Jonathan started getting sick our first night there and we ended up going home the next day after brunch. I'm pretty sure he had Swine Flu. So...I'm not sure Becki will ever invite us down again...

Although it was short, I really enjoyed spending time with Becki. I miss her so much...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Beth!

We had a mini celebration for Chris's sister's birthday this year. Chris tried to find a tasty cake and had it decorated... This is what we ended up with.

Notice the Happy Birthday in a sort of rainbow frosting (that is if you consider rainbow yellow, orange, and green.) Also notice Beth? It's harder to see. Find the black frosting on the right hand side and you have to squint to make out 'Beth.' Nice.

In addition to being ugly, the cake was freezer burnt and inedible.

Poor Beth. Not sure anyone has had a worse birthday cake. Poor Chris. He sure did pick the wrong cake! We thought about submitting this to Cake Wrecks but I couldn't get it to load. Hmm. Maybe I'll try again!

Happy Halloween 2009

Jonathan chose to be Megatron and Drew chose to be Wolverine this year for Halloween. Both boys had school parties at the same time so Chris and I both took off work, took the boys out to lunch (to change into their costumes,) then Chris went with Jonathan and I went with Drew. I thought for sure I sent a camera with Chris but maybe I was wrong. If I find them, I'll post them later.

Allen R. is Drew's good buddy in kindergarten.

Update... I found Jonathan's pictures...

While I was with Drew I took the opportunity to photograph some of his 'works of art.'

Trick or Treat is always interesting in Alliance. Not in a good way, either. After I witnessed a 50+ year old man say 'trick or treat' to my husband and hold out a Wal-mart bag (without a costume) I vowed that my children would never again trick or treat in Alliance. Ever. We ran inside, closed the curtains, and checked their candy for foul play. Once beggar's night was over we headed out to eat with Chris's mom and stepfather. Good times.