My parents took the boys to the Canfield Fair this past weekend. The boys ate a ton of junk food and rode about a million rides. After the fair they spent the night at Nina and Papa's house, which meant that Chris and I got to go out on a date! The next morning the boys did not want to come home. They love spending time with their grandparents. Thanks Mom and Dad! I love you.
Benefits to Drinking More Water...
*6 reasons to drink more water*
- Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids: your body is
composed of about 60% water. The function...
All-Purpose Quick Mix
This is my everyday go to mix for biscuits, shortcake, coffee cake, scones
and even a delicious self crusting quiche. You can use this mix in any
recipe c...
Hi my lovely, loyal readers!!
Please note that Mrs. Mimi has up and MOVED to a shiny new blog with
fabulous new content. Don't worry, I took all the old s...
Model Drawing (Bar Modeling or Singapore Math)
Last year I was introduced to a strategy known as Singapore Math. I have
since seen it referred to as Bar Modeling or Model Drawing. I was hesitant
Rudolph the Semi-Decapitated Reindeer
Yesterday, my husband suggested that instead of driving to the nearest
Redbox to return a movie that we had watched on New Year’s Eve (we are
super big par...
A Legislative Limerick
There once was a midwestern state With school funding up for debate the
teachers all feared for their jobs and got weird while innovation was
pushed off th...
A Valentine To ALDI
So this isn't a review of any ALDI food product, it's a review of my local
ALDI store. I feel like I beat up on ALDI a lot and I want to say a few
nice thi...