Sunday, September 24, 2006

School Days!

To all my faithful blog-stalkers...I am finally making time to update this site.

This has been one crazy month! I went away with some friends to Atwood Lake and had a great time. We sat on couches and talked for hours, gave each other pedicures, went for a walk, were given a relaxing pontoon ride, and returned home rejuvinated and ready to care for our families again.

We also sent Jonathan to preschool this month. We had orientation a week before school actually started. After orientation we took Jonathan to get a milkshake at McDonalds.

His first day of school was great! He loves it, and his teacher says he's a joy to have in class... I wonder if she says that about each of her students?

Drew is getting adjusted to not having his big brother around all the time. I think he likes the individual attention I am able to give him. We go to a playgroup at our church each Tuesday (while Jonathan is in school).

After Jonathan's first day of school he went to Wal-mart with his Nina and Aunt Dee. As the story goes, he walked past the floral department, stopped, and told my mom and sister to wait. He walked up to the flowers, picked up a bunch, and said, "My mommy would like these. Can I buy them for her?" When he came home with the flowers I almost cried. What a cute kid!

Hope all is well with all of you. Sorry for the two pictures that you have to turn your head to view. If anyone has suggestions as to how I can properly post them, let me know (don't role your eyes Cole C.)!

To my Marysville (and Cleveland) friends: we should plan a weekend away sometime. What an incredible reunion that would be!

1 comment:

  1. Boy I can sure tell you are a scrapbooker by the pictures you take... you were probably scrapbooking in your head as you were taking them, weren't you!! Keep it up...
