Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Trick Or Treat

Trick Or Treat night was fun in spite of the rain. The boys had a great time being Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. We went to three houses, including my parents'. Mom and Dad always have a special treat bag for the boys. My sister gave them each a special bag as well. Chris's mom passed out candy at our house while we were out begging. When we came home, she had a special treat bag waiting for them too! No one would ever guess that they only went to three houses. Let me tell you, having all this candy in our house is not a good thing for me. SELF-CONTROL! Uh.

We didn't carve pumpkins this year, but Chris's mom gave the boys each a home-grown pumpkin. We also decorated pumpkins at playgroup. As you can see from the pictures, I waited a little too long to take a picture of them. Yes, that is mold that you see. I threw them away as soon as I took the picture.

I hope all of you had a fun and safe evening.

Two days after Trick Or Treat, my sister and I had to go to southwestern Ohio to try to test out of one of our Master's classes. We had a nice time together. Our room wasn't very clean, but we made the best of it. It took us a little over three hours to take the test. I am anxious to know my results.

After the test, we spent almost an hour and a half driving around the city in search of an area similar to Belden or Dublin to eat dinner (we were told that this type of area existed, we just couldn't find it). I finally decided to call Beth and ask for directions again. Here, we were on the wrong side of town. Literally. I should have made the call much sooner.

Too bad you weren't there, Julie! You could have given us a grand tour.

If the driving around wasn't enough, my gas light came on. Unbelieveable.

My sister and I wanted Red Lobster but couldn't find it after we saw a billboard advertisement. We ended up eating at Logan's Steakhouse. Yum. The evening ended (after getting gas) with a pumpkin spice latte (and coffee with a shot of vanilla for my sister) from Starbucks. Actually, the evening ended seeing Beth and her husband. They happened to be in the same area and we decided to meet. We were able to visit for a little while. By the way, Beth, my sister found Pumpkin Pie creamer at the store and bought it for me. Yum! You should grab some too!! It was fun to see you in a completely different area!

Julie, that reminds me, Beth has your Playmobil stuff. Make sure you get it before she is tempted to sell it on ebay. Ha ha. Just kidding!

My sister and I don't have another class until the beginning of January. Now I can focus on baking a zillion cookies (one for each leaf that Chris raked) and preparing lots of starchy foods. Hmm. I hope I can refrain from eating all those scrumptious morsels.

This paragraph is for Dustin F. You called Chris last night and talked to him for a while. I am sad that we did not get to talk. I hope you enjoy my blog I have created. I miss you and hope to see you again someday soon.

Ta Ta For Now my friends...

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