Monday, February 16, 2009

The Roadtrip From...

We reserved the last Saturday in January to visit our friends in Central Ohio. With only a day trip planned, we wanted to get the best bang for our buck...

Our day started at the Cheesecake Factory for a late lunch. Late because I had to stop somewhere and take a gander at something...Sorry friends! After a ridiculously long wait at the restaurant, we were able to eat lunch (linner, lupper, ect.) Things were a bit hairy but we managed.

The next stop of the day was Magic Mountain...

I would like to take this opportunity to preface my next few sentences with the fact that I love my friends...

I have never felt so claustrophobic or dirty in all my life. It was super hot, super populated, and super germy. I was stressed the whole time and even had to go outside to take some deep breaths of fresh air...Except that there were people smoking outside. Nice.

I think if we would have had to stay another minute I might have started to cry. On our way out the door Beth and I made a pact to never NEVER go there EVER again. Then we all piled into our cars and bathed in hand sanitizer...

After the afternoon from you know where, we headed to Caribou for coffee. We all thought that a nice relaxing time there would be good for our souls. Who knew that having five children in SMALL coffee shop wouldn't be relaxing???

We ended our time together with a trip to the mall then dinner at Wendy's. I think Wendy's was the highlight for me. Who would have thunk it?

I think Beth and I both agree that next time we'll just have a relaxing visit at the house.

Augh! I felt like I needed therapy for a few days after our visit. I had to call Beth multiple times the following week to be certain we were still on speaking terms.

The following pictures are from our day. Clearly the kids had a great time and were oblivious to my panic attacks...

I think this picture is truly worth a thousand words.

I'm afraid some day my boys will actually have a fist fight (or two...) over Brooklyn, although I think her heart belongs to Jonathan. See below...

Friends Forever!

The kids had fun and sometimes that's all that matters...SOMETIMES!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Friend!
    Those pictures are adorable! Will you share? I didn't take any...didn't want to remember Nasty Mountain and the day my middle child took 3000 visits to the Cheesecake Factory bathroom. I'm glad you are still my friend after that disaster of a visit. See you again soon? ;o)
