Wednesday, January 30, 2008

January Heat Wave

Northeast Ohio experienced a short heat wave at the beginning of 2008. The boys enjoyed playing outside without hats or gloves. They were able to draw on the sidewalk, ride around on their bikes, and run around my parents' house.

Yes, if you were wondering, my boys were still in their pajamas. I confess that if we don't have anywhere to go there are days that they don't change. Am I a bad mom or is this more common than I think? I figure I should take advantage of it while I can because next year Jonathan will have to be at school everyday. Uh. I don't even want to think about that!

1 comment:

  1. I think you are genious!! We are instituting Jammy day in our house now. I hope it will cut down on my laundry. And the best part is that I live in Marysville so if we do go out and about, it is perfectly acceptable for the kids to be seen in their jammies, heck it is acceptable for me as well!! Hope to see you scrapbooking soon!!
