Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Minty Demons...I mean...Delights

I found this awesome recipe for after dinner mints shaped like snowmen a couple of years ago. This year, Andrea and I decided to make them. The recipe only made 8 so I decided to not only double the recipe but, as Andrea and I liked to say, octaviused the recipe (multiplied all the ingredients by 8.) It seemed like a good idea at the time because then I would have as many minty snowmen delights as other cookies and they could be included in my holiday cookie entourage.

I quickly realized that the 64 snowmen would be ginormous (that's for you Sam) the way the recipe called to make them so I (swiftly) decided to make smaller snowmen. Actually, we rolled out 64 bottoms and 64 heads (that might be a conservative guesstimate.) After a somewhat difficult time of attaching the bodies and heads we started decorating those suckers.

Andrea had all along made fun of me for being so ridiculous about the amount of minty goodness we made. By the time we started decorating I was cursing my bright ideas. Decorating was worse than attaching the bodies and we only made about three dozen before throwing in the towel.

Granted, the three dozen were cute but they were so not worth the labor (and powdered sugar) put into them. We ended up with what seemed like hundreds of white minty balls besides the snowmen we created.

To top it all off not many people consumed our masterpieces and I still have a whole sandwich bag full of little white balls.

So much for creativity. I think next year I'll just stick with chocolate chip cookies...from a mix.


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