Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Changes Are In The Air

Change freaks me out. I hate it. Normally it comes with heartache and lots of hard work. Lots of times it's just easier to avoid change all together.

Chris and I have been able to avoid MAJOR change for about five years now. My life has changed a bit with school and now work but...

No changes in Chris's occupation...

No house changes...

No packing...

No boxes...

No showings...

No freaking out about every dust particle or wall scrape...


I pretty much admit that the day we moved from Marysville to Alliance was the worst day of my life. Before that the worst day of my life was when we moved from home to Marysville.

Well my friends...I think I'm about to have a new 'worst day of my life.'


Don't get me wrong...I'm excited for him and for our family to start this new chapter in our lives. The new church seems great and WE ARE READY! But...we have to move to North Canton. And say good-bye to our Alliance friends. And move away from my family. And pack up all of our belongings into small cardboard boxes from Giant Eagle (shout out to Jenn for all the boxes.)

Five years ago I thought that packing with a one and a half year old running around AND being seven months pregnant was hard. Basically that was nothing compared to packing with two eager young boys wanting to 'help' constantly. These same boys are also struggling with the fact that some of our stuff is just going to sit in boxes for a while. We're not getting rid of it but we can't play with it...Weird. Remind me why I need to keep something if we can live without it for a while???!!!

Which brings me to my next complaint: PURGING.

Purging is not easy for me. Many of you have seen my house. There is stuff (aka crap) all over! I'm trying to be non-emotional but it's difficult. We've packed quite a few boxes already in an effort to try to 'stage' the house. Packing is slow going. After the packing I need to focus on cleaning and other various 'staging' issues. We hope to have the house on the market by the end of April. Cross your fingers!

As I am typing this post I am sitting in the dining room among stacks of boxes. I should probably be working on one of our closets but I decided I need the break! Just for humor I'll tell you what kinds of boxes I'm looking at...

Arm&Hammer Essentials Natural Clumping Cat Litter
Tastefully Simple
Jimmy John's
Pedigree Breath Buster
Froot Loops


OK...I'm done wasting time. I'll try to update but please know that life is CRAZY here. Chris starts First Friends on May 1st. I've included a link to their website in my sidebar.

I'm on Spring Break this week and am hoping to get LOTS done.


John 14:27
Matthew 6: 25-34
Matthew 11: 28-30

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