Friday, May 29, 2009

The Last Day

Jonathan's last day of kindergarten started like all the others. After showering and dressing myself, I made sure he was dressed, had his teeth brushed, packed his lunch, made sure his folder was empty, and asked him to put on his shoes (which were, by the way, wet from last night's water battle...out came the old tennis shoes...don't you love surprises like that???) Those things happened in conjunction with strongly encouraging Jonathan to stop dilly-dallying and watching the clock to be certain we wouldn't earn a tardy on the last day of school.

I remembered to bring my camera so that I could capture his final walk into the building and his final walk down the hallway to his classroom. I also managed to get some shots outside the building. Call me cheesy if it makes you feel better about yourself. I can handle it...

Notice the 'old' tennis shoes that probably cramped his toes. Also notice the tye-dyed t-shirt. He created that masterpiece on Wednesday (Drew made one too.) Also notice the Umbro shorts. He was content to wear them and wanted nothing to do with changing. I had to let it go...

This is just inside the building where I gave him a hug and a kiss every morning.

His room is to the right at the end of the hall. Every morning I watched him walk down this hallway until he turned the corner. On a good day he would turn back and blow me kisses a couple of times. He's such a sweetheart!

This is a view of Jonathan's classroom. His classroom was actually located on a corner and I was able to park in front of it every morning. There were a couple of days that I was able to watch him from my car for a couple of minutes before I pulled away. I prayed a special prayer of protection over him as I left each morning.

If you look closely, you'll see an open window. Each time I walked back from taking him into the building I would lean down and look into the window to make sure he made it to his classroom safely. Sometimes I was even able to wave at him. On the days that we tried hard to be the first ones there, he would hold up his fingers to let me know what number he was. He was always all smiles if he held up one finger (that meant that he was the first one in his class.) But, toward the end of the year a little girl named Brooke ALWAYS beat us! UH!!!

I guess this picture is proof that I drove the Explorer when Jonathan was in kindergarten???!!! Actually I think that I wanted to document where I parked every day.


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